--- Juan Ortiz's WB Store is Closed blog has had some fun posts lately, highlighting items from some of the WB mail order catalogs. Among the widiculous...er ridiculous items include this kids t-shirt featuring Elmer Fudd as "Wambo". Also, see the cover of WB's first mail order catalog featuring Bugs, Tweety, the Road Runner, Batman and... Gumby??? (How'd HE get in there?).
--- This past weekend was the final broadcast of the Kids WB programming block (well, at least under the "Kids WB" name)... and nobody really seemed to notice (I guess it's like the old saying, "If a tree falls in the woods..."). The Platypus Comix website has put up a tribute featuring history, print ads, and many videos spanning the entire lifespan of the block. Look for many appearances (via recycled cartoon clips) of the Looney Tunes characters and remember how at one point Warner Bros. actually seemed proud to have their "biggest stars" in their new home.
--- J.E. Daniels has posted a comic book story featuring the Tasmanian Devil meeting up with Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner.
Why I think that this Sylvester's art is the best I've ever seen? he's...he's so cute!! with that eyes...I've always heard lots of people saying "Geee, Sylvester is my favorite charachter, I love him!" and stuff like this, and I though "Well...it looks that actually he has nothing special, he's just a domestic cat, and he's even a bit fat too!"...
but now that I see the first WBStore Catalogue, I must say that here's really gorgeous! He doesn't looks like the scruffy cat in Freleng's cartoons, here's more tidy and...aww! look at his eyes!! the big red nose...
Maybe here's at the top of his look because there's no Tweety in the neighbourhood!
Road Runner with that eyes looks crazy...is he nervous because Batman's next to him and he wants an autograph?
Speaking of Sylvester and the Road Runner, it looks like the Augest issue of the Looney Tunes Comics (#165) will have a comic remake of "The Wild Chase". I just hope they have a real ending this time and not use shortcuts of any kind. Here's the link of the news in case anyone is intersted in the comic series: http://www.dccomics.com/comics/?cm=9996
yes, I think you are right: sylvester looks really sweet...and since how long is Road Runner a Batman's fanatic?
mmm...it sounds weird the new comic version of the Wild Chase...it would be nice if you guys of the blog could upload some pages here...who's the artist of that comic?
BTW, Road Runner is a Batman "aficionados" since he found in a box in the desert this BM's satin jacket from 1989-->
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