While vacationing in Wildwoood, NJ I saw this interesting pool sign. The Yosemite Sam looks spot on so I took some pics. I asked the hotel owners if they knew who the artist was, but they forgot. Great site, keep up the swellegant work!
I have, actually, been to Wildwood NJ. In fact, my family's favorite vacation spot during my childhood was the Jersey Shore. Someday maybe I'll post a story about one of the most cruel Warner Bros. copyright lawyer busts of all time..."Sylvester's", a fish market in Avalon, NJ...
kool photo! It seems quite old!
I have, actually, been to Wildwood NJ. In fact, my family's favorite vacation spot during my childhood was the Jersey Shore. Someday maybe I'll post a story about one of the most cruel Warner Bros. copyright lawyer busts of all time..."Sylvester's", a fish market in Avalon, NJ...
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