If you do your grocery shopping at Safeway stores it sounds like you will be seeing more of the Looney Tunes characters soon. Variety reports that Warner Bros. and the grocery chain have teamed up to have the LT characters appear on a new Eating Right Kids line of food and beverages, rolling out on store shelves this summer. The product line covers more than 100 items across 30 categories including breakfast foods, portable meals, dairy, snacks and beverages.
As part of the deal, Warner Bros. said it will no longer feature its Looney Tunes characters on unhealthy food packaging, other than certain ice cream products or birthday cakes.
Give it ten years and I promise you they'll find a way to outlaw all snack food. I'm getting sick of this. I grew up on Lucky Charms, Fruit Roll-Ups and Hawaiian Punch and I turned out fine.
When will WB stop airbrushing LOONEY TUNES character art? BUGS looks like he's made of aluminum again!
I hope this means that Looney Tunes will be back on television.
Finally a wise decision by WB consumer production!
Whenever I look back at the photos of Tyson's Meal featuring the LT I always have a sense of disgust: how could you eat such junky food? just imagine how many fats and others unknown contents they had...
This one of the few good choise that WB had done yet; and I can't wait to see all the Packages with the Looneis...Will you upload them on the blog??
Hmm. That might explain the lack of Russel Stover candy products with the characters lately...
Here is a link to the official press release which includes box art to a few other Safeway LT products --- a Taz fruit drink, Tweety & Sylvester pasta, and Road Runner & Coyote granola bars. I like how it appears that WB created some fresh artwork of the characters for these, instead of the stock style guide poses we have seen hundreds of times since the mid-1990s.
Too bad there aren't any Safeways in my neck of the woods...
The art box are quite nice! I can't wait to see others... What about Road Runner new Look, with that red bandana?
Oh goodie! The Loonie Tunes gang are doing the politically correct thing, just like the Cookie Monster!! How NICE!!!
*Sigh* So much for that Porky Pig brand breakfast sausage, then. It doesn't make you fat if you only eat five strips a day... r-r-rea-r-positively!
Oh goodie! The Loonie Tunes gang are doing the politically correct thing, just like the Cookie Monster!! How NICE!!!
That thing about Cookie Monster was never true. Heck, the street even made fun of the media's idea in one episode. If you don't believe me read this even if this is a wiki page:
Anyway, just be glad that they didn't make Tweety a girl this time.
Yep, kiddies, the Looney Tunes hunt each other and blow each other up with explosives, but god forbid their likeness be used on junk food.
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