Remember these? In 1994 KFC offered a set of 4 plastic Looney Tunes mugs (shaped like the heads of Taz, Bugs, Tweety, and Wile E. Coyote ... what, no Foghorn??) with the purchase of their "Mega Meal" combo.
Of particular note is the Wile E. Coyote mug with its ridiculously long snout... making drinking from the thing virtually impossible. Can you imagine anyone actually sitting around reading the paper while sipping their morning coffee out of this thing?
I have the Wile E mug myself. These mugs are always popping up at garage sales over the summer.
I'm not sure, but I could have sworn I saw other characters as mugs? I think I've seen a Yosemite Sam and a Daffy Duck before?
I agree - Wile E. is wholly unpractical, but being an artist, I've discovered that he makes an excellent pencil/pen holder!
I actually do use Bugs for coffee/drinks. Taz also holds art supplies. I never got a Tweety.
The mugs were made by Applause and after their run at KFC, they were available at other stores with some other characters added. I believe I have Sam, Daffy and Sylvester head shaped mugs (found at yard sales) packed away somewhere.
A coworker of mine has the Wile E. mug, and she *does* sit around reading the paper/doing a puzzle in our break room while sipping from it on a daily basis. She says she got hers from a Warner Bros. Store (before they closed down).
I've got the Bugs one. I use it to hold various knick knacks, but my aunt has the Tweety one and uses it to drink out of all the time.
I agree with Bubbashelby!
Recently I've got the same mug of Wile E. with a promotion in a house-holding shop in my town, and guess what? I use him as "Pot" for my Cactus, since he's my favorite charachter plus I really like Cacti!
I have all those mugs and even still drink out of them.
I just found unopened in their original plastic wrapper the Wile E. Coyote mug, the Tweety Bird mug and the Bugs Bunny mug. Are these worth something?
nice post thanks for sharing.
I have Daffy,Sylvester,Taz,Wyle e. Coyote,Roadrunner,Foghorn leghorn, was wondering how many were done ? reading above i now know ther was tweety bird,Bugs Bunny ,Yosemite Sam , anymore ?
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