Welcome to what I hope will be a recurring feature here on the blog - The Misce-Looney-ous Bookshelf. Without really trying very hard, I have somehow managed to amass a fairly large library of children's books featuring the Looney Tunes characters. The earliest book I own dates back to 1948 while others are as recent as a few years ago. I plan on showcasing examples of these here. I won't be scanning entire books. Mostly because I am lazy, but also most of the books I will be showcasing can be tracked down with very little effort and little money (you can find most of these storybooks fairly easy for some pocket change at the local thift shop or for cheap on eBay). I hope you enjoy these trips down memory lane.

First up is a fairly recent book - Alert All Martians. I don't know much about these books, but a company called "DS-MAX" put out a series of small, thick boardback books in 2000. Each book contained a comic book-style story, some of which appeared to be reprints from the Bugs Bunny daily comic strip from the late 1990s while others seemed to be stories reprinted from DC's modern LT comic book. This book appears to be a series of gags from the daily strip. Obviously inspired by the cartoon "Jumpin' Jupiter", Porky and scaredy-cat Sylvester have watched a sci-fi movie on TV called The Attack of the 60-Foot Slime Monster From the Planet Sludge... and, well, you can see what happens next...
NOTE - the layout of these books were a little awkward. The panels weren't set up the way you'd expect (I know I was a bit confused when I first read one of these DS-MAX books). On the first scan below I added numbers for the panels that should give you an idea how to read the remaining pages.

I recieved the Bugs and Pirate Sam book last year for Christmas.
Hopefully the others will turn up eventually in a local dollar store..?
I have no idea how many of these little books there were. I only own four in all. The other three are titled "The Hunter's Prey" (Bugs/Daffy/Elmer), "Only One Life Left" (Sylvester & Tweety), and "Tweety For Sale".
That's a really good post: is a good feature for a looney tunes site...I appreciated it a lot, since is very hard to find book such as this! I can't wait for other post like this!!!
well...you said that you can find them cheap everywell...but not here in my Nation! and I don't want to buy on ebay!
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