Welcome back to another installment of the Misce-Looney-ous Bookshelf. Today we take a look at a charming and timeless storybook with some wonderful illustrations. Just kidding... we are actually taking a look at Bugs Bunny Calling! a hilariously outdated Little Golden Book from 1988.

The following page speaks for itself:

Yes, Bugs is thrilled that he got his new cordless phone. "Now I can call my friends and go skateboarding at the same time!"
Bugs skateboards around town calling his friends Porky, Elmer and Petunia and find out they are planning to go to a party.

You can tell cordless phones were just coming into style here. The characters are all baffled and confused at the thought of Bugs skateboarding past their houses when they just talked with him on the phone. Anyway, it turns out they are heading to Daffy's house for a pool party.

Everyone realizes Bugs was really talking to them on a newfangled tele-o-phone, Bugs hops in the pool and gets the food soaked. Bugs then calls out for pizza for the gang ("And please don't forget the grated carrots!") The End.
Are there anymore skateboard illustrations in that book? I ask, because we document such silliness at SkateandAnnoy.com
COol!!!IS awesome to see this old drawings!
"a charming and timeless storybook with some wonderful illustrations"
:That's Truth! put in this Blog some pages from old books of the looney Tunes is a great idea: a piece of history! It was a touch that the site missed!
Ps: in the second photo, Elmer with a girlie apron: that's hilarious
"a charming and timeless storybook with some wonderful illustrations"
:That's Truth! put in this Blog some pages from old books of the looney Tunes is a great idea: a piece of history! It was a touch that the site missed!
Ps: in the second photo, Elmer with a girlie apron: that's hilarious
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