Welcome to a new and possibly recurring series here on Misce-Looney-ous, the Coloring Book Revue. There are hundreds of Looney Tunes-themed coloring books floating around out there and I thought it may be fun to showcase some of them here. Instead of starting off with the good covers, this first post will show some of the more bizarre covers I have come across. For some reason I am oddly fascinated with these coloring book covers of the 1970s and 1980s. It's like a glimpse of the Looney Tunes characters in some sort of weird, alternate dimension.

If you have any Looney coloring book covers (the good, bad, or ugly) you'd like to share... e-mail them to looneyblog at yahoo dot com.
When I was little, I had the damndest time trying to reconcile the awesome Bugs Bunny from the theatrical shorts with the boring Bugs in coloring books like these. And what in Chuck's name is going on in that Yosemite Sam Sticker Fun cover illustration?!?
Western Publishing certainly had a monopoly there.
The Sylvester and Tweety book looks OK, but the others... yeesh. Sam looks OK in his guard outfit (reminding me of his prison guard role in one short), but what's with Daffy (Scarlet Pumpernickel meets, uh, something...) and Granny?!
Did any of these artists ever see the old shorts?!
Aren't there any more Looney Tunes coloring in books.
I remembered owning that first one--and a lot of it was colored in.
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