Oh well, my foolish purchase at least makes for amusing blog fodder. I don't know much about these live shows besides what is revealed inside the program. I believe they were around for a few years. "Rodger Hess Productions, Inc." out of New York was responsible for this one and Mel Blanc is credited as the character voices (some of the songs on the program seem to be songs Mel recorded years earlier for Capitol Records).
The "program" consisted of a few color photos (seen below) and many coloring and activity pages for the kiddies with the characters drawn in the style of the Western Publishing comics of the time (I didn't scan them).
The program also includes an interesting ad for a "personalized" birthday phone call from Bugs, Yosemite and Porky people could mail away for. Not sure how long that venture lasted either.
I apologize in advance for any nightmares the following pictures may cause.
The whole thing seems disturbing enough without adding Batman & Robin to the mix! I just hope something who saw the show will post some memories of it on here!!
I will be haunted by that Daffy / Elmer Fudd photo for years to come. This is "good, ol' fashioned nightmare fuel" to quote MST3k.
i went to a looney tunes stage show. i was upset there was no roadrunner & coyote.
At least back then they weren't singing 80s classics like they do at Six Flags today...
Yipes! That Tweety suit is just too much. Great blog, thanks for the laughs.
It's so impressive...you know, later it will be 19 o'clock and I' ll having dinner...welll, this time, after I saw this pics, I will be on a DIET!
Anyway, nice the artwork of the charachters
Freaky pics... that Wile E. Coyote costume is very weird. I dressed up as him this Halloween and MY costume was more decent than that
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